SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Actions for County Transformation (ACT) MAKE INQUIERY Actions for County Transformation (ACT) With devolved government, locals should be given consultation and services they deserve. However, the implementation of 2010 constitution has been very slow and marked with malpractices such as corruption and general lack of community involvements. We engage policy makers and public through Kenya Budget Calendar and ensure youth and women are consulted, involved, serviced and respected. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Mobilization for Empowering Dialogues (MEDIA)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Mobilization for Empowering Dialogues (MEDIA) MAKE INQUIERY Mobilizing for Empowering Dialogue (MEDIA) The world is evolving in terms of media, communication and engagement. Community media has emerged as a sustainable means of amplifying community voices, narratives and fostering community-owned, community-led and community-managed engagement. Mobilizing for Empowering Dialogue (MEDIA) project is a unique documentary and online FM radio model that develop and share local-based contents, connect youth and women towards a common goal, offer training services and enhance policy and program advocacy through debates, discussions and QA sessions. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Rural Advancement in Digital-skills Actualization for Resilience (RADAR)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Rural Advancement in Digital-skills Actualization for Resilience (RADAR) MAKE INQUIERY Rural Advancement in Digital-skill Actualization for Resilience (RADAR) Digital economy has the potential to support rural youth and women through information/skills, incomes, revenue and improved livelihoods. The sector has a net worth of $179 billions with 40.7 million freelancers globally (Mastercard 2020). In Kenya, digital economy makes up 26.3% of country GDP. With work freedom, poor remuneration from traditional jobs, unemployment and desire for work-life balance, more and more youth and women will flog the sector. Digital economy faces many challenges that hinders its access and utilization, mostly by rural youth and women. Some include income instability, social insecurity, price wars, insecurity and digital divide. High digital divide, limited access and use of computers, internet and electricity makes it difficult for rural girls, youth and women. The RADAR project uses an integrated 50-capacity solar-powered computer-lab with solar desktops/laptops fixed with unlimited internet, lights, and CCTV cameras. The facility engages volunteers who serve as trainers. The lab offers affordable ICT and online work training and mentorship services such as computer literacy, website and software development, transcription and copywriting to out of school youth and women. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER) MAKE INQUIERY Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER) Women do far more unpaid care and farm work than men, have little or no property rights. Though women are the majority, they are hardly consulted or involved socioeconomic and political decision making. Many girls and women face all sorts of violence, which perpetuates subordination, marginalization and inequality. The POWER project work with local partners to create awareness, mobilize and organize women to claim their rights as decision makers, farmers and property owners. The project uses capacity building workshops, safe spaces, land clinics, alternative mediation and justice system, policy and programme advocacy to help women own properties, get involved in decision making or governance positions, and end set women free from violence. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Local Interventions for Sustainable Technologies (LIST)
Local Interventions for Sustainable Transformation (LIST)
With growth in population, urbanization and mass rural-urban migration, resources are generally scarce. This has resulted to high unemployment rates and increased competition especially among youth and women. To intervene, we identify, select, train and link youth and women to growth opportunities. The LIST project engages youth and women through business support services such as hackathons, incubation and accelerations, financial access and linkages. The program focuses on renewable energy (briquettes, cook stoves biogas and solar lamps), waste management, food security (double digging kitchen gardening, cassava, sunflower, moringa, rozelle, sweet potato and banana value chains), WASH and nutrition, creative economy (handmade crafts and content creation), ecotourism, fashion (designed tailoring) and building technologies (welding, and making interlocks).
Sexual Health Empowerment (SHE)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Sexual Health Empowerment (SHE) MAKE INQUIERY Sexual Health Empowerment (SHE) Access to universal health services is key for human development. Unfortunately, many rural people still lack access to basic health care. We design, engage and mobilize resources to help implement community-based health initiative targeting vulnerable children, youth, PLWS, and women in and out of Homabay, Kenya. Key services include voluntary moonlight HIV counseling & testing, access and utilization of HIV, FP, MNCH, WASH and nutrition services, health clinics, awareness, male champion services, sports, community dialogues, follow-up & referrals, gender-based violence dialogues and care support services. The project also help in advocating for policies and programs aimed at ending TRIPLE TREATS; new HIV infections, teenage pregnancies and sexual gender based violence. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Supporting Primary Education Among Kenyans (SPEAK)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Supporting Primary Education Among Kenyans (SPEAK) MAKE INQUIERY Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans (SPEAK) Education is dear to us! The project support vulnerable and marginalized girls and young women through provision of assort school and health kits (fee, uniform, set books, mentorships, career and health talks, sanitary towels, and back to school shopping. We also engage key stakeholders to ensure right policies and resources are in place to cater for vulnerable and marginalized girls and young women. We run computer literacy boot camps for girls and young women who have completed form four, in holidays and completed university/college education. To keep girls at home, we provide basic household support such as building houses, agribusiness training and market linkages to ensure constant food supply, good housing and general better living conditions. Why? many girls and young women in rural Homa Bay face many challenges; lack of basic needs (health kits), manipulation and sexual and gender-based violence, poor parenting and guidance, and lack of hope to further their studies due to poverty. The SPEAK project respond to these needs. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Rural Environmental Sustainable Technologies (REST)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Rural Environmental Sustainable Technologies (REST) MAKE INQUIERY Rural Environmental Sustainable Technologies (REST) The need to sustainably engage youth and women in building community climate change resilience is key for the achieving most sustainable development goals. With high dramatic effects of climate change, youth and women in rural Homa Bay whose livelihoods directly depend on land and nature suffer the most. For decades, Low carbon sinks, deforestation, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and pollution have imposed health and general livelihood challenges for youth, women leading to poverty and death as well as decline in community growth at large. As population grows, demand for natural resources such as land, wood and our nature can’t provide. Commercial agroforestry could definitely provide a sustainable part of the solution. The REST uses innovative micro agroforestry model to support and help build adaptive capacities of youth and women (primary users of land and nature) to earn and live sustainably. REST turn degraded and underutilized land into commercial agroforestry, bridging gaps from seedling to fruits and tree value chain, an integrated agroforestry commercial enterprise. Farmers (youth and women) provide land, farming skills and security and in turn get health seedlings, interactive e-platform to learn, share, and network and coordinated commercial log harvesting and market. The small agroforestry lots uses little water and soil nutrients and no stress on environment. Agroforestry trees provide food, improve soil fertility and help in carbon sink. The lots also enable farmers to get extra incomes from fruits, beekeeping, termite harvesting and butterfly farming. Grevilia provide sustainable wood supply through sessional harvesting of branches hence reduced deforestation due to massive charcoal burning and firewood. The organization has set up a 500,000-capacity tree and fruit nursery in Ndhiwa Town. The nursery raises healthy fruits and tree seedlings which as sold or given contracted farmers (youth and women), act as venue for field farmer schools and research centre as well as community resource centre. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.
Smallholder Poultry Agribusiness Development (SPADE)
SCORE – CBO Empowering Communities Supporting Vulnerable & Marginalized Smallholder Poultry Agribusiness Development (SPADE) MAKE INQUIERY Smallholder Poultry Agribusiness Development (SPADE) Youth and women in rural Homa Bay are engaged in poultry farming majorly at subsistence level and lack knowledge in poultry management and entrepreneurship mind set of turning it into viable business venture. They also face challenges such as weak producer organizations, poor market linkages and lack of access to financing for expansion. This results in low production, low sales volume and low income for smallholder poultry farmers. They do not earn a consistent and reliable income from poultry. Here, it is common to see grandparents gifting their grandchildren hens or locals gifting or loaning hens to each other. Building on HEN GIFTING or LOANING practice, the SPADE project was initiated as a social enterprise to support vulnerable and marginalized youth and women in or willing to start and run poultry smallholding business. The SPADE project mobilizes youth and women into poultry farmer groups of 10-15 members. We train the beneficiaries on poultry management, entrepreneurship, financial management and cage construction. After these trainings, each beneficiary is given one indigenous hen from KARLO. The indigenous breed from KARLO lays more eggs per year than the ordinary indigenous hen that the communities currently breed. From One hen the beneficiaries expand their brood prompting one to sale surplus and by-products i.e. eggs and manure then use the income gained to access food, shelter, clothing and further acquire other assets like goats, cows and venturing to other businesses i.e. village cottage industries of feed making, agrovets, cage making and formation of a cooperative society for all beneficiaries that does joint marketing for their poultry products and offers them micro-credits based on their savings to expand their enterprises. In addition, Individuals from local communities are selected to be trained as effective para-vets. These individuals provide services at a low cost to beneficiaries and other community members. Score CBO will organize a seasonal showcase of beneficiaries’ products, engaging existing and potential buyers/markets, input institutions, and other key stakeholders. They also facilitate the formation of producer-marketing associations, which can promote greater production, quality control and marketing. The organization was established in 2011 in Homa Bay County as an empowerment program themed “Supporting Primary Education among Kenyans- SPEAK” by five widows who were victims and survivors of gender based violence, teenage pregnancy and HIV.